Sunday, 20 August 2017

Tips for choosing a right partner for your whole life

Choosing the right partner will be a big question for you. Do you know to choose a perfect partner? If not this blog post will help you to choose your life partner. Read the quick tips given below, it may help you.
Tips for choosing a right partner for your whole life

Tips to find the right partner

Know the type of person you would like to meet

You have to know the type of person you want before you can meet them. If you don’t know the type of partner you want, how are you going to recognise them? The first thing to do is assign the attributes you admire in a partner. Think of all the people you know and take some of the attributes you like and write them all down.

Visualise them in your mind

Once you have written down all the attributes you like, have an image in you head of your partner, their size, their rough looks, their personality, their sense of humor. Everything you want in you partner, try and visualize them and how the attributes you have written down play out in different scenarios e.g. how do they act in front of your friends, how do they treat you when you are out to dinner, how they act when they are with their friends.

Let go!

Let go of the thought of ever meeting your ideal partner. This may sound like a contradiction but it is very important. I am not saying stop visualizing them, as this is important, but let go of the outcome. By letting go of the outcome, you step back and trust another force to act on your behalf.


Trust that you will meet them. You will meet them; it might take time, but trust that it will happen. When you trust it will happen you will not be as lonely. Knowing that something will happen is a relief, there is no pressure and you can go about your normal daily routine happy in the knowledge that there are a few cupids looking out for you.

Be aware of little serendipitous moments

Look out for hidden messages. Although you have to trust that, your partner will appear you still need to look out for hidden messages in other areas of your life. If you get a strong sense that you should attend a party, even though you can’t be bothered, go to it. If you get a strong urge to go into town early one morning, go. If you feel a strong urge for a coffee and you see a starbucks, go buy a coffee. You ideal partner is waiting for as also. I wish you well and hope you meet your partner soon.
Location: Kerala, India


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